2020. 2. 17. 15:02ㆍ카테고리 없음
Readme.md Emus for 3DS VirtuaNES core VirtuaNES a high compatibility NES emulator for your old 3DS or 2DS. It's not as accurate as FCEUX or Nestopia, but it runs at full 60 FPS for almost all games, and supports tonnes of mappers: MMC1,3,5,6; VRC1,2,3,4,6,7; and tonnes of other mappers.
As a result, the library of games it supports are huge. This 3DS version also fixes a few bugs from VirtuaNES's MMC5 mappers and even plays Rockman 4 Minus Infinity and Zelda Legend of Link hacks. Download Details TemperPCE (TurboGrafx / PC-Engine) core This is a port of Exophase's Temper (TurboGrafx/PC-Engine) emulator to the old 3DS and old 2DS.
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This port heavily relies on the 3DS's 3D GPU hardware to achieve 60 FPS (or close to 60 with frame skips). Since we are using the hardware, some games that utilise special palette effects may not work so well. Download Details.